Q&A: Georgie Benz

5678 Magazine in conversation with singer and songwriter Georgie Benz.

5678: What’s your musical background

Georgie: I played the violin at eight years-old and started singing too. After a couple of years I got really bored of playing the violin and continued classical singing until I was 15 or 16 and then was trained contemporary from 16 to 17. I took a break at University and went to Berkley in Los Angles to start a course in song writing. I started song writing at 19 and self taught myself the guitar at 16 onwards. In school I was a lead singer for a band. During covid I began writing more, I just wanted to do it, because, I could sing but I needed to work on my writing to finish these songs

5678: Who are your musical influences?

Georgie: I was hugely influenced by Phoebe Bridges when I started songwriting. A lot of my metaphorical and abstract images I feel took that from her and the way she expressed herself in her writing. I’m also influenced by Indie Brit Pop Rock such as Holly Hamberson and Sam Phender. I’m drawn to artists who are very lyrically driven with their songs and narration which feels very intimate.

5678: What’s your creative process?

Georgie: I usually work through a stream of consciousness, sitting down with my guitar playing and singing at the same time and I usually get the main bit down of that. A few I had to go back and change a bit or cut the other half, but, a lot of my songs I’ve written straight through and gone back to see where I want to continue. So, it’s a stream of consciousness. Usually, I write more, but I just graduated and I’m taking a break which is a change from Berkley where I had to write three to four songs a week. Right now I’m just chilling. If I can write a song I will do so.

5678: How would you describe your musical style to others?

Georgie: I would describe my musical style as an indie alternative songwriter or Indie pop acoustic pop rock. A lot of lyrical-based melancholy progression mainly voice and guitar.

5678: How has your style evolved?

Georgie: I think my style is constantly evolving. It’s a musical thing. As you find new outlets and techniques to use you constantly change. I’m more lyrically driven in terms of more personal intimate lyrics from my own experiences. I’ve been changing.

5678: Could you tell us the inspiration for Smokers Lungs your first single?

Georgie: Smoker’s Lungs came pretty quickly. I wrote it two summers ago based on experiences with guys and my friends. Watching them talk about their emotions. I couldn’t understand why guys couldn’t just say what they were feeling instead of lying or trauma dumb or trying to prolong the experience. It was a cathartic experience. I recorded the song in Valencia with two of my friends they recorded and produced the song very well. It was a lovely experience with my friends.

Smoker’s Lungs Cover Single

5678: Your latest release ‘Face to Face’ seems to take a new direction. Could you tell us more about it?


Georgie:’Face to Face’ is a sister song to Smokers Long. I wrote it in 2019 and it was never released. It had a similar chord progression. I don’t know exactly where the idea came from. I wanted the idea of singing in the car with someone and driving around because you know that if you go to either of your homes the relationship will be done. So you don’t talk about that. Going around the circle conversation-wise and metaphorically because you don’t want to lose that person.

5678: What is it like performing your songs to a live audience?

Georgie: I haven’t been performing live that much. I used to perform live during my school band. I used to do a lot of talent shows and galas with the band I was with at school. I would always perform someone else’s songs not my own. When I got to Berkley, I did a few house shows with my friends in a special and intimate environment to showcase my songs. It’s crazy performing your songs to an audience. My friends are lovely and naturally are more interested in my songs because they are my friends. It would be interesting to see my songs performed in front of a strange audience. There is something cathartic about singing your heart out about something personal to you. It’s been special and I’m lucky with the audiences I’ve had.

5678: What advice would you give to young aspiring female music artists who want to get started in singing and songwriting?

Georgie: Work out what you’re trying to get out of music. Explore your motives and draw clear lines with your boundaries. I always try to maintain that music is a hobby to me, even though It’s something I want to make a career out of. Also, there is a wealth of resources available on the internet to get started for example on YouTube. If you want to download ‘Logic’ and watch some YouTube videos and follow people on social media who are doing things you want to do and chit-chat. A lot of music is networking and making friends. People are happy to do that. Be confident in what you’re doing and be nice to everyone, because the music industry is pretty small.

5678: Are there any future projects you are working on?

Georgie: I’m excited to record my EP. I’m going back to Boston in a couple of weeks. I’m working with my friend Liam. I wrote most of my songs in September and November and another in February. These are songs that I adore and they represent a new songwriting style. I’m proud of them and can’t wait to hear them be produced. It will be euphoric seeing all these intimate songs come to life. I’m excited to get them out and show the world what I’ve been working on.

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Written by: Maximilian Jenz
Maximilian Jenz, 5678's website and podcast editor. He previously interned at the Guardian, ITV, and Reuters.