Mums on Decks: The Women Who Are Bossing The DJ Industry. 

Both mothers and pregnant women are juggling parenting with their love for DJing and have found how to do both successfully. 

For many Mums in the DJ industry, the party is not over. Annie Mac, Amelie Lens, and Jamz Supernova are just three major names in the DJ industry still smashing it as mothers. 

Be the Change’s 2021 survey said, “There’s a presumption that women who choose to have children are not serious about their musical careers, which causes many women to drop out during parenthood due to stigma and lack of support provided to them by the music industry.” 

However, speaking with mums in the underground scene who are even DJing whilst pregnant, this finding doesn’t stand for their experiences. 

Mum-to-be, Maisie Blue said, “DJing will allow me to keep my identity and not get lost in the journey of Motherhood, it’s great to have something for myself.”


Maisie Blue is determined to DJ whilst 16 weeks pregnant with twins and told 5678, “I hope I can inspire some people. I remember when I saw Jamz Supernova heavily pregnant still DJing at festivals and nightclubs and I thought that was so cool.”

Pregnancy doesn’t have to stop women from experimenting in the scene, it has benefits for pre-natal babies such as the natural endorphins women develop from playing music. 

Although little research has been conducted on the effects of DJing whilst pregnant, there are recommendations of not exceeding 100 decibels in a prolonged period. 

Charla Green, a jungle and dub-step DJ, continued playing events close to the end of her pregnancy, “My last gig when I was 7 ½- 8 months pregnant I was massive, so she definitely felt all of the jungle vibrations.”

Pregnancy for these mothers also required going sober, which can be a difficult task within an industry that has a high demand for drinking and drug culture. 

Charla Green said to 5678, “Stopping alcohol made me a lot more restrained and I don’t feel like I need it as much post-pregnancy, because I don’t have a chance to recover the next day.”

A person at a table with a dj in front of a window

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RACH playing as duo Unity Underground CREDIT: Charlotte Smith

For RACH, part of Unity Underground and a mother of three, going sober during gigs has been helpful for her.

“I have dealt with awful hangovers when I have had the kids, but because I have also got to show up for the outside world, organise and get mixes out, the kids have got to come first. I can’t do it and be a wreck head at the same time.”

Having a support network 

The DJ industry is high-demanding for late-night work, which can be difficult for DJ mums, however with a good support system these women have successfully made it work. 

RACH and Charla Green both play alone and with their partners. They’re grateful to have a support network that they can rely on to look after their children whilst playing venues late at night. RACH told 5678:

“Motherly instincts kick in and it is probably easier for men to go out and do night-time work in the industry than it is for women, women can feel more guilty than men, but luckily this isn’t the same for everyone.”

Junglists, RACH, and Charla Green both took inspiration from Mantra, a mother of three, at her EQ50 Jungle event. 

On speaking to Mantra about her anxieties about having a child, Charla Green said, “It was really nice to have a mother who is also smashing it in the industry to be like ‘It’s going to be okay.” 

Recently, there has also been a rise in day-time raves which are inclusive for children. ‘Diddi Dub’ based in Sheffield, has DJ mums playing whilst young children can dance along and play simultaneously. 

The great thing about the DJ industry is that with the right equipment, mothers can still play and stream from home. It is only when playing out late at venues they need to seek childcare. 

Creative Households 

By DJing at home, these mothers’ children are also exposed to their music, which is beneficial for a child’s creativity. 

Charla Green’s daughter is just two years old and loves listening to her parents playing, “When I say do you want some music on she goes ‘Dub! Jungle!”

Being exposed to the world of music at a young age improves a child’s focus and willingness to explore and learn. That way they can look up to their mothers and be inspired to enjoy activities, like DJing, which they wouldn’t be encouraged to do in schools. 

RACH said, “Unfortunately, they don’t like Jungle and Drum and Bass but it’s great that my boys are at home and they are seeing their parents being artistic and creative,” 

A step back from music 

Whilst DJing allows these mums to maintain their identity, having children equally provides a space for mothers to take a step back from their music in an industry which can sometimes be challenging. 

For RACH she finds it relaxing to go and read to her boys in their bedroom if she needs to take a break from mixing. 

“I wake up with tunes going around in my head and think I have got to get this done. It’s not always a bad thing, but it can exhaust you sometimes, having young children in the house can pull me out of it.”

As much as having children can provide mothers a step back from music, for other mothers it is DJing that maintains their sense of self. 

Speaking to 5678 Maisie Blue said, “I’m going to have twins, which will be twice the work so there is going to be a huge adaptation period for me to get back to being myself, but I think DJing will allow that space for me to do it.” 

Call to action 

Women need to see that being a mother and a DJ is not impossible, despite the lifestyle and the basic assumptions society has told them. 

Speaking to 5678 RACH said, “To be more represented I think that the mothers out there need to make other people aware that they are mothers because that will naturally gravitate other mums towards you and hopefully be inspired by what you do.”

These mothers are proving that the unthinkable for many isn’t impossible, still dance on and are smashing the industry. 

Article credit: Charlotte Smith

Edited by: Mia Rose

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Level Up Your Music Career: Jazzmyne’s Fight in the Music Industry For Women!

From working in TV production to with hitmakers like Doja Cat and Wiz Khalifa, Jazzmyne knows what she’s talking about in the entertainment industry. From the San Francisco Bay Area, the 32-year-old impressively worked her way up from hit shows such as Keeping Up with the Kardashians where she crafted and developed her skills. Yet, Jazzmyne’s passion for empowering others didn’t stop there, leading her to start her journey in the industry.

Written by: Mia Rose
Mia Rose is a Final Year Journalism student at the University of Sheffield. She has experience in feature writing and broadcasting. Mia forms a part of the Website Team at 5678 Magazine.